⭐️ Late Night Surprise

One night, Marika rummaged through the back end of the bathroom cabinet for a pregnancy kit. Her period's late, and she's been feeling off. Could it be..?

When the results appeared, her hand flew to her mouth in surprise. Yuuto had just entered the bathroom to brush his teeth when Marika got up from the toilet. She looked at him, still processing her emotions, finding the words to say.


"Hm? What is i- Whoa!" Yuuto was just starting to respond when Marika covered the short distance between them in two swift steps and hugged him really tightly around his middle.

"I'm pregnant," Marika said, her voice choking with emotion.

"Oh, darling, that's wonderful news," Yuuto said.

Marika let out a whimper and a sniffle. She's so happy she couldn't keep tears from spilling over. Yuuto made soothing strokes down her back in silence, both taking a moment to let the news sink in.


🍥 Mini Us


🐣 Raising Tsunemi